Introduction to Developing Genetic Markers for Animal and Plant Traces
Molecular Resources in Non-Human Forensics: from Wildlife to eDNA
Institute of Legal Medicine, Faculty Hospital Bulovka, Charles University, Prague 8
You can attend the Conference without the Workshop, but you cannot attend the Workshop without the Conference. The Conference forms an integral part of the Workshop.
This is an optional workshop in the Doctoral Network.
Tuesday, 29 April 2025 – Daniel Vaněk
The best practices for sample preservation and short and long-term storage
Field sampling and testing (Bento mobile laboratory and Salux 19)
Rapid preliminary testing of exhibits of unknown origin
DNA extraction strategies for different animal artifacts, the removal of inhibitors
Laboratory set-up, LIMS (Laboratory Information and Management Systém)
ISO norms
Wednesday, 30 April 2025 – Daniel Vaněk
DNA quantitation (specific and non-specific)
Species identification (Sanger, NGS, fragment analysis, qPCR)
The current recommendations for animal DNA forensics
Individual DNA identification of animal samples
DNA databasing, statistical evaluation
Case documents, reporting the results, expert testimony
Addressing the problematic areas: inbreeding, hybrids, population data, reference samples, combined human, and non-human analysis, CITES legal restrictions
Thursday, 1 May 2025 – Balázs Egyed, Henk Braig
Sampling and preservation of plant materials for forensic identification (dried and fresh remains, minimum traces, pollens etc.)
From morphology (microscopy) to molecular investigations, specific DNA extraction methods
Laser microdissection for obtaining DNA
Taxonomical identification of plants (DNA barcodes, PCR and Sanger, NGS, DNA alignment)
Molecular reference databases and search (BOLD, GenBank, PlantGDB), statistical evaluation
Whole genome amplification methods in trace analysis, metagenome and long-read DNA sequencing (pros and cons)
Friday, 2 May 2025 – Henk Braig, Balázs Egyed
enviromental DNA in forensics
eDNA analytical methods: metabarcoding, whole genome, NGS vs. long-read
forensic DNA applications for microbial, fungal, …, and diatom traces
mRNA and microRNA in forensics
Air forensics