Future Workshops




3-6 June 2025

Introduction to Forensic Microbiology and Mycology

On the Utility of Cadaveric Fungi in Crime Investigations

Mirca Zotti, Genoa, Italy


9-13 June 2025

Introduction to Forensic Palynology

On the Forensic Utility of Pollen, including Identification of Pollen using the Reference Collection for Central Europe and the Mediterranean

Anna-Maria Mercuri, Modena, Italy


August 2025

Crime Scene Protocol, Case Work, and Reporting

Fernando Viegas, Lisbon, Portugal


Introduction to Forensic Entomology

Jens Amendt, Krzysztof Szpila, Frankfurt am Main, Germany


Emblem MSCA Doctoral Networks
Emblem MSCA Doctoral Networks

Immature Stages of Forensically Important Insects

Krzysztof Szpila, Toruń, Poland


Introduction to Forensic Acarology

Alejandra Perotti, tbd


Introduction to Forensic Botany

Anna-Maria Mercuri, Modena, Italy


Introduction to Diatoms of Forensic Importance

Atko Heinsalu, Tallinn, Estonia


Interpreting Non-Human Molecular Trace Evidence

Daniel Ramos, Alicia Lozano-Diez, Madrid, Spain


Introduction to the Forensics of Mass Graves

Alejandra Perotti, tbd


Forensic Statistics, Evidence Linkage, and Bayesian Thinking

Daniel Ramos, Alicia Lozano-Diez, Madrid, Spain


Interdisciplinary Teamwork Training as Transferable Skills

Alejandra Perotti, Network Staff, tbd

Emblem of the University of Genoa
Emblem of the University of Genoa
Emblem of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
Emblem of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
Emblem of the Judicial Police, Lisbon
Emblem of the Judicial Police, Lisbon
Emblem of the Nicolas Copernicus University
Emblem of the Nicolas Copernicus University
Emblem of the University of Reading
Emblem of the University of Reading
Emblem of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
Emblem of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
Emblem of Tallinn University of Technology
Emblem of Tallinn University of Technology
Emblem of the Autonomous University of Madrid
Emblem of the Autonomous University of Madrid
Emblem of the University of Reading
Emblem of the University of Reading
Emblem of the Autonomous University of Madrid
Emblem of the Autonomous University of Madrid
Emblem of the University of Reading
Emblem of the University of Reading